Friday 22 May 2020

What are they talking about?

These two cubs are waiting for Kumar to return, what do you think they might be saying to each other? see if you can create a short dialogue between the two cubs and remember to punctuate it correctly. Watch this video if you need a reminder on how to punctuate speech


  1. “ I wonder where Kumar is?” said Daisy the younger cub, “ He left ages ago.” Daisy was a worrier, well that is what her brothers and sisters called her.
    “ Don’t worry, he’ll be back.” replied Martha, the bolder older sister. “He always is.” Martha was currently chewing some sticks that she has found. “ Why do you worry so much anyway?”
    “I don’t know, I just like the comforting feeling of knowing he and all the family are safe.”
    “ Well he probably is safe, and just lost track of time.”

  2. Morning Ms Elliott,
    I think the cubs are saying, "Where's mum? I'm so hungry, what's taking so long? She went to the edge of the steep hill and hasn't come back; I hope she's alright."
    The other cub said, "Oh she's fine, she's probably trying to drag our dinner home, let's just wait a few more minutes, I'm getting quite hungry too. let's guess what animal is for dinner tonight."
