Friday 15 May 2020

Telephone Kiosks

 You still see them on the street but mobile phones mean that nobody really uses telephone boxes anymore. Lots of people are sad to see the old red telephone boxes go though and work hard to keep them open as mini libraries and take-away coffee shops.  Read this and tell us two facts you learned about phone boxes.

Coffee Kiosk in Hampstead High Street.


  1. Wow! I knew that some phone boxes were made into libraries, but I didn’t know they were made into coffee shops! How do they even fit everything in?

  2. There's a kiosk turned into a coffee shop in Hampstead High Street. I put a picture in the main post. I bought a cup of coffee from it once. Obviously, it's take-away only!

  3. Jayden
    Facts about the telephone box:
    -The telephone box was around for nearly a century
    -In 2009 (the year I was born) a scheme was introduced to save telephone boxes for different uses from libraries to defibrillators

    1. I wonder if your grandchildren will have any idea what telephone boxes were Jayden. They won't believe you when you tell them that people used to make calls from boxes in the street.
