Tuesday 19 May 2020

Morse Code

Listen to this piece of music? It was a theme tune to a TV programme over 30 years ago. What adjectives can you think of to describe the music? Do you like it? What instruments can you hear>
The programme was called Morse and it was about a police detective, called Inspector Morse, who solved crimes in Oxford.  I always thought this piece of music was really clever because, if you listen you can hear M-O-R-S-E- being sounded out in Morse Code. Watch this video to find out what Morse Code is.

Here's  the code:
So M O R S E is               -- --- ... .-. -..
If you listen to the music again you can hear it being pulsed out. Later on, the string instruments play the rhythm of  -- --- ... .-. -..  again as an ostinato (a repeated pattern). Can you hear it?
I just really like the music, it's very mysterious and intriguing but I think the Morse Code in it is clever too,
Post your name in Morse Code in the comments.


  1. Adjectives to describe the music are sad, dark and depressing but makes you want to listen. It's is a little gripping and puzzling at the same time
    I didn't really like the music, it was so long
    The instruments I heard were violin, piano, keyboard, guitar

    My name in Morse Code will be .--- .- -.-- -.. . -.


    1. Hi .--- .- -.-- -.. . -.
      You're right it is gripping and puzzling at the same time! Great vocabulary. Well done.
