Tuesday 5 May 2020

A POD of dolphins

I just noticed that Asmin sent us this POD of dolphins above (thanks so much Asmin). Pod is the collective noun for dolphins. A collective noun is the word we use for a group of things.
A flock of sheep;
A pride of lions ;
A pack of wolves.
Some of them are weird and wonderful like

Can you do some internet research and find the collective nouns for:
A_____________ of crows
A____________ of jaguars
A ____________ of owls
Post your answers in the comments and any other weird and wonderful collective nouns you come across. If you can't comment, email your answer to debeauvoirprimaryschool@gmail.com


  1. A murder of crows.
    A prowl /leap of jaguars.
    A parliament of owls.

  2. A murder of crows.
    A prowl / leap of jaguars.
    A parliament of owls.

  3. A murder of crows

    A shadow of jaguras

    A parliament of owls

  4. A murdur pf crows
    A shadow of jaguras
    A parliament of owls

    From tamaya

  5. A murder of crows
    A pride of jaguars
    A parliament of owls

  6. A murder of crows. A shadow of Jaguars. A parliament of owls. I looked up the Jaguars one. Did you know a group of polar bears are called a celebration?!

  7. Well done you three - you're right. They are so weird and wonderful. Natalie, I didn't know it was celebration of polar bears. That's my new thing learned for the day!

  8. I have found out the answers to the questions about groups of animals and here they are.

    A. Murder of crows.
    A. Prowl of jaguars.
    A. Parliament of owls.

    I have also found out a really amazing fact about what a group of ladybirds are called. It is hard to believe but a group of ladybirds is called a loveliness!

  9. A loveliness of ladybirds???? I never knew that -it's beautiful. My new knowledge has inspired me to write a poem. Here goes...

    Out for my hour long exercise
    And what did I happen to see?
    Upon a leaf,
    A loveliness of ladybirds
    Were staring back at me.
