Thursday 7 May 2020

Bank Holiday Friday?

Trafalgar Square 8th May 1945 (VE Day)
Tomorrow is a bank holiday. We always have a national bank holiday in the first week of May but it is always on a Monday.  This year is different and has been moved to Friday (tomorrow) so that it falls on the 75th anniversary of VE Day. VE Day, as you know because we learned about it in class, was 8th May 1945 when Germany surrendered and World War 2 was over in Europe at least. The war continued in Japan until August 1945 but it was over for most people and wild celebrations broke out all over the country. Look at the pictures of people celebrating in London on VE Day.
Staff at St George's Hospital in London celebrate.
Celebrations in the fountains at Trafalgar Square
I wonder how people felt on that day. Elated that war was over; relieved they had come through it alive, grief-stricken for those who had died; determined to rebuild the country and their lives. A mixture of all those things I think. How do you think you might have felt on VE Day? Click here ro read more about VE Day.


  1. On VE Day I would have felt a mix of emotions,happy because the war was over and sad because lots of people had lost their loved ones. I also would has felt sad as the food was still rationing, but happy to attend the street parties and see my friends.

  2. Hi Ms Elliott, thank you for putting the link to VE day up. I found it really interesting to learn about again.
