Wednesday 22 April 2020

World Earth Day

Today is World Earth Day, in fact it's the 50th World Earth Day. The 22nd April is a day when we think about our planet and what we can do to keep it healthy. To think about saving water and energy; reducing pollution, recycling and protecting animals.
It's an interesting World Earth Day because the lockdown is having some positive benefits for Earth. Air pollution across the world is falling as people stay at home and stop flying in planes and driving in cars. When food is not so plentiful in the supermarkets; people waste less of it. Will we go back to 'normal' when this is over? What will change in how we look after the planet? What do you think?
Try the Earth Day Newsround Quiz. 
Post your score in the comments. I got 5/7  -it's tough!!!!!!!


  1. At first I got 3/7 but I tried again and got 7/7!

  2. The first time I got 3/7 but I tried again and got 7/7!

  3. I got 5/11 too!
