Friday 5 June 2020

English Lesson 4 The Dreadful Menace

Hi Home-Learners, Welcome to Lesson 4 of 'The Dreadful Menace' Unit.
Today's Learning Intention is

To be able to use similes and metaphors as a method of figurative language.

Let's start by drawing a grid like this.
We're going to watch 'The Dreadful Menace' again with the sound turned off and I want you to fill the grid with adjectives that come into your mind when you watch it. For example bitter, barren, icy, frozen, harsh, frigid, polar forbidding....   If you run out of ideas, click here for a thesaurus. Put in 'frozen' or 'icy' and see what synonyms it brings up.
Remember to watch 'The Dreadful Menace' with the sound off.

Now you should have the grid with some wintry adjectives in it. Can you turn those adjectives into similes. For example - barren as a desert - as dark as night.
Now look at your similes and award yourself points using the grid below.
How well did you do? Can you expand any of your similes to make them worth 10 points?

Next, read this poem and note all the similes. Are there any metaphors?
It's your turn to write your own simile and metaphor poem today.
Use our poem and this grid to help you. 

Then send your poem to

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