Thursday 4 June 2020

English Lesson 3 The Dreadful Menace

Morning Year 6 Home Learners, here is Lesson 3 of The Dreadful Menace.  Remember to send you work to

L.I. To be able to understand symbolism as a method of figurative language.
What  do you think colours are symbolic of.  The blue one has been done for you, but what about the other colours? What do they represent for you?
What about a smile, a roller coaster and a ladder. What could they symbolise?

Now we're going to watch 'The Dreadful Menace' again. What else might the film symbolise? Fear, nerves, competition, failure? Is the mountain symbolic of the upward journey of the athlete? Is the peak symbolic of the gold medal given to the winner?

Did you find anymore symbolism in the clip?

Watch this clip from the Sochi Olympic Games. It shows the final of the women's ski jumping final. These athletes have trained for 4 years to make their bodies strong enough and their technique precise enough to glide a a millimetre further than anyone else and claim gold. One muscle out of place and... it's all been for nothing. How do you think they feel just before they jump?

Read this:
This is called a split internal monologue. It is the fear and courage in the athlete's head. Green is courage and determination, black is fear and doubt. Some of the lines are taken from 'The Dreadful Menace Poem'.

Your Task
Your task is to write your own internal split monologue for a ski jumper. You can use lines from 'The Dreadful Menace' for the fear and doubt but you need to use your own ideas for the 'green part' -the athlete's determination and courage.

When you're happy with your work, send it to us at

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