Tuesday 2 June 2020

English Lesson 1 The Dreadful Menace

Morning, this is the lesson we are doing in class today. Have a go and send your learning to debeauvoirprimaryschool@googlemail.com

L.I. To be able to discuss and evaluate how authors use language

In today's English Lesson we started by watching this video.

Stop it at 0.14 'I am the conundrum'. What are your first impression?
Stop it at 0.53 Who is standing on the ridge? Why?
Finish off the video - What sports did you see? Why was this used as advertising for the Winter Olympics? What is poignant about the ending?

Here is the poem - no one knows who wrote it. Read it out loud and notice the ABCB rhyming pattern (the second and fourth line in each stanza rhyme).
Watch the film again but turn the sound off? How does the cinematography make you feel small and powerless? Who is the narrator of this poem? Nature? Winter? The Mountain?
Look back at the poem and copy out the five lines you think show winter at his most powerful.
Do you remember the work we did on figurative language?
Can you find any examples of the figurative language above in this missing stanza from the poem?
There's a simile - 'like a waiting wold I grin'.
There's a metaphor - 'My nails scraping over skin'. 
There's alliteration 'frost and fury'
There's personification throughout the stanza - only humans can use their words to be angry and threatening.
Can you find any other examples?
Can you fins examples of figurative language in the whole poem?

Now complete this response.
Play the video again with the sound off and read out the poem in your most intimidating voice!

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