Wednesday 3 June 2020

English Lesson 2 The Dreadful Menace

Morning Year 6 home learners, here is the second lesson of our ten day English Unit, 'The Dreadful Menace'. Send your work to , we can't wait to read it.

L.I.To select appropriate vocabulary and devices (personification) to enhance meaning.

What's your favourite season?  Mine is Spring, I love the new life all around us, lengthening days and feeling the sun on my skin again after the winter. Everything seems new, hopeful and optimistic. Watch this video of a year's worth of seasons in 40 seconds!

Yesterday, we watch the 'Dreadful Menace' which was an advert made for the Winter Olympics. Watch the video again and note down all the ways you see or hear winter being shown or spoken about. For example, the snow blows across the ridge or the wind howls.

 Now write some sentences about winter using your notes. Remember to include the figurative language from yesterday, For example, 'The snow whipped viciously across the mountain face'. Icicles, like silver daggers pierced the frosty air.

What do you remember about personification? It's a type of literary device. This jolly video will remind you and you'll be singing it all day long -it's very catchy!!!

Look around the room you are in. Can you write a sentence that personifies an object in the room.  For example, 'The furious kettle angrily let steam gush from its metal head'.

Now can you write a line of personification for any of these?
Main Task
Now we're going to write a piece of prose that uses personification of winter to make the reader understand how powerful and merciless winter can be.
Here's ours:

You don't have to use personification in every sentence, that would be overdoing it. 
Use the wordbank above to help you.

Make sure all your sentences are proper sentences and include a verb. Don't just write, 'The  glass icicles' that's not a proper sentence, you need a verb - 'The glass icicles hung from the cave's roof'.  

Send your writing to - we can't wait to see what you have written.

Could you write a sentence that personifies summer?

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