Thursday 26 March 2020

How about writing a limerick?

This morning we had a go at writing a limerick.

There was once a school in Tottenham Road
That for a short while remained closed.
The children learned alone
In their very own home
Which usually only happened when it snowed.

Limericks are silly poems with five lines. They were made famous by Edward Lear who wrote the "Book of Nonsense" in the 1800s. This was a whole book of silly limericks.
Watch this film on how to write a Limerick.   How to write a limerick

Or how about this one? Countries and other places are a good idea for the end of the first line.
This site will help you find rhyming words.
Post your limerick below, we'd love to read them.

1 comment:

  1. Natalie is good at limericks23 April 2020 at 13:10

    There once was a man from Peru
    Who ended his limericks at line two
